The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant Program makes our afterschool program possible. The goal of this federally funded grant is to provide free academically enriching learning opportunities outside school hours during the school year and summer. By blending academic content with engaging activities, the program helps students excel in school, make informed life choices, and prepare for college and careers.
In addition to academic support in reading and mathematics, the 21st CCLC programs offer a variety of activities for students and their families, such as art, music, cultural education, entrepreneurship, tutoring, language skills for Limited English Proficient (LEP) students, global learning, service projects, recreational and physical activities, telecommunication education, extended library hours, health and nutrition programs, and support for truant, suspended, or expelled students. The grant is awarded competitively for up to three to five years, with annual applications required for continuation, and unspent funds must be returned each year.
For the 2024-2025 school year, 21st Century Community Learning Center Grants have been awarded to the following schools:
Edward E. Drew Middle School
Shirley C. Heim Middle School
Students attending these schools are eligible to participate in our after-school programs based on specific program requirements.
For more detailed information about the specific programs offered through the 21st Century Grant at our locations, please refer to the current year's 21st Century Community Learning Center Family Handbook. You will find comprehensive program details and registration information there.